Lorraine Sopp
(C3)2 Project Coordinator
As project coordinator, Lorriane Sopp is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the (C3)2 project. She works cooperatively with school district personnel to develop, train and support teacher teams at each of the project’s experimental sites. In addition, she works with the (C3)2 project’s director and the curriculum coordinator to support the Peer-to-Peer meetings and Summer Institutes, during which teacher teams share their experiences and receive professional development. These meetings promote the integration of arts activities in the classroom curricula.
Ms. Sopp comes to the (C3)2 project with more than 30 years’ experience working in the Brentwood School District. She began as an art teacher, working with every age group, Grades K-12. This experience was followed by a seven-year term as the assistant principal for East Middle School. She concluded her career in the school district as art coordinator for Grades K-12.
As both assistant principal and district art coordinator, Ms. Sopp helped to promote NYS Standards for the Arts through staff supervision, professional development and in-service courses. She conducted staff observations, promoted student participation in art competitions, both countywide and statewide, and melded all phases of the district’s art curriculum into a cohesive program. In addition, she promoted technological enhancements throughout the district’s 11 elementary schools, four middle schools, the Freshman Center and Brentwood High School. She also pioneered and implemented the Peer Mediation programs at the high school, brought AP courses to the high school, and assisted in the establishment and coordination of the Careers and Technical Education (CTE) program through the adoption of college-accredited high school course work, internships and the creation of art-centered course strands in compliance with the Carl Perkins Grant.