Freedom Train, which tells the story of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad, helped to bring the past alive for Grade
4 and Grade 5 students. Visual and performing arts activities were
integrated into character education, social studies, science and
mathematics learning.
4 results
Interpreting History through Dance
Grade Level : Grade 5 Content Area : Social Studies Guiding Question : What was it like for slaves to traveled the Underground Railroad? Artistic Discipline : Performing Arts Unit Topic : Underground Railroad
Grade Level : Grade 4 Content Area : Mathematics Guiding,Science,Social Studies Guiding Question : How can history teach us compassion in today's world? Artistic Discipline : Visual Arts Unit Topic : Underground Railroad
Grade Level : Grade 5 Guiding Question : How can the inhumane treatment of people in the past influence one's beliefs and actions today Artistic Discipline : Performing Arts Unit Topic : Underground Railroad
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